EES commemorates International World Aids Day


Citizens in Eastern Equatoria State commemorated the International World Aids Day in Torit on Wednesday December 01.

The day was celebrated under the theme: “End Inequalities, End AIDS, and End Pandemic”.

Peter Osio Cyprian, Chairperson, organizing committee, has warned the public concerning the virus becasue anyone can contract it because it does not discriminate among people.

“This day reminds us of the people who are living with HIV who are still alive or who have gone of us and this is the day that we need to put our ideas together. You know that this disease is not for particular people, it is a cross cutting disease, it goes everywhere so it doesn’t segregate, anybody can contract HIV”.

Chairlady of People of Hope Association in Torit, Achola Evaline Osfaldo, says the day is more important to the people living with HIV.

She calls on those living positive, to report and enrol in early treatment.

“This day is very important to us people who are living with HIV virus, we are remembering the people who died of HIV virus, and we support ourselves who are still living in this world. We are giving message to the people who are listening; they should know that it is very important to disclose yourself. Do not hide yourself in the community, if you hide yourself, you have hidden your death, it is not seen in the body but if you hide yourself then it will show itself by taking all your flesh and you remain as bones if you come out early, you will take the drug and it will help build your body and you will remain normal like other people in this world”.

HIV and AIDs representative, Aryemo Betty Sebastian, calls for support to people living with the virus.

Betty regrets that women with HIV positive are victims of Gender Based Violence.

“We want people to join together to support people living with HIV, we need support from everybody, not support in kind but emotionally, spiritually. These are the support we need from each and every individual. GBV is the leading problem in our communities. Women are going through the pain of taking medicine and at the same time the pain of being beaten at home because of their HIV status. Some of our women are brought to police station, you say am beaten because am HIV positive, they say you are the come who look for, you want to carry infection to people. Which mean there is no one standing with us, we have the right to have families, we the right to be respected as any human being, so discrimination has to end”.

Dr. Joseph Ofuho works for ICAP organization, supporting the HIV and TB program across the State.

He says there were around four thousand and four hundred forty three people under ARVs.

“Whole EE we have got 4,443 people living with HIV active on treatment, out of these we have got 38% are male and the 62% are female, at least 4% are from the children, these are fresh data we are managing along the EE region.

The speakers made the remarks during the commemoration of the World AIDS day, at Torit Freedom Square on Wednesday.