NPA acknowledges Radio Easter’s efforts in producing peace programs


Norwegian People’s Aid or NPA acknowledges the great role played by Radio Easter
in Yei, in producing and broadcasting peace programs among others.
NPA has been partnering with Catholic Radio Network in conducting talk shows,
panel discussions, sharing News articles and reports.
It has also been producing about the revitalized agreement on the resolution of
conflict in South Sudan.
Speaking to Radio Easter, Diocesan Secretariat, Fr. John Gbemboyo, appreciates
the radio for implementing the programs successfully.

Director of Radio Easter, Father Emmanuel Lodongo Sebit mentions lack of
equipment as one of the challenges affecting the station.
He urges NPA to support the station with radio equipment and build the capacity of
staff through trainings.

Father Emmanuel encourages the organization to continue sponsoring peace
programs for citizens in Yei River County to access information about the process.

The speakers gave the remarks to Radio Easter at Yei diocesan secretariat.