Lack of malaria drugs in Bor Hospital affects population amidst high flooding

Bor Hospital
Photo showing the Store of medicen in Bor Town. credite photo Ginaba Lino

Bor State Hospital is experiencing insufficient drugs for malaria as the hospital received over 50 patients per day and floods surround the town.

The hospital lacks essential drugs and floods is too much and malaria is very high,

Abraham Garang Dau, Medical Store Supervisor regretted while talking to journalists.

“The most challenge here we are lacking most of the essential drugs, the most important thing is emergency drugs for example may be patient is in compassion and its night, it’s difficult for us to rescue that person unless we send the patient to the market”.  

Garang said the hospital is running out of drugs like anti-bacteria, anti-malaria and sometimes, they refer some patients to nearby clinics for medications.

“In the hospital now we are lacking anti-bacteria, and we are lacking anti-malaria like severe malaria now it is difficult to be manage unless we send the patient to the market to buy the medicine if not the person can pass away, as you know we are vulnerable most of the people they don’t have support to buy the medicine for the patient they don’t money if there is no money then the patient will be in problem”. 

Dr. Bol Chaw, medical director explained that the government has no money to provide medicines to its people and they are just relaying on WHO and other partners that give medicines.

He said the most diseases alarming in Bor town are malaria, pneumonia and stomach problems due to contaminated water.

He complained that power in the hospital is another challenge for drugs to last long they need cold place.

The medical personnel made their remarks when the journalists visited the medical store on Thursday in Bor town.