Floods devastate 200 schools across Jonglei state, UNICEF reveals

one of the affected schools by flood in Bor Town

Heavy flooding devastated two hundred schools across Jonglei State, Duku Francis Danson, UNICEF education specialist disclosed to Catholic Radio Network at Panapet Primary School on Tuesday in Bor.

He said education cluster led by UNICEF and government are trying its best to see how affected schools can be supported.

Francis explained that they are mapping out all affected schools to be able to provide basic needs.

“As education cluster led by UNICEF and the government we are trying our best to see how these schools can be supported, one of the things that we have done from the cluster perspective is to map out these schools that has been displaced or flooded and when a school is able to unify a new land like that we proved some basic support to this school, so we will move from here to that school and you will see there are very basic temporary learning structures that had been provided in that school that came with the support of the community here they play the big role and ensuring that those faculties are established.   

UNICEF education specialist said as UNICEF tries its best to support the flooded schools, the impact is down due to lack of enough resources.

He added that the government and community cooperate well and ensure that affected schools get places where they can be helped by the humanitarians with temporary shelters.

Head Teacher of Panapet Primary School Peter Jol Maker clarified that the floods have very big impact to the school because they have lost all what they had in the institution.

He suggested relocation of the school to the other side where they can have conducive environment for learning.

“The impact of flood is very big because it destroy books, and all the learning materials had been damaged in the store, because the water use to come at night and the impact is really very negative to us now we have nothing, we are teaching because we got some help like text books, chocks and another learning materials recently in the months of May and June from Save the Children”.   

He also calls on humanitarian agencies to help them with basic needs like toilets, boreholes, and construction of the school.

Ajak Deng Ajak, who represented the pupils at the temporary school, stated that they are not comfortable because they are still facing a lot of challenges.

The learner said the temporary school is a tent when the weather is too hot they cannot understand their lessons.

Ajak explained that the black boards they are using now are giving hard time for the back benchers to see what the teacher is writing.

“So some of the challenges we are facing here in this temporary shelters are borehole, latrines, and enough shelters, as you have seen this temporary shelters when it’s shining too much we cannot be comfortable, so we are facing challenges than our school which has been destroyed by floods”.   

The temporary school was transferred to Suk Zero which currently accommodates seven hundred and seven pupils.

Panapet Primary School is one of the Schools which has been supported by

UNICEF in Bor Town Payam