Agreement can get new energy if government engages grassroots, says Bishop

The bureau of Religious Affairs Launched Report on Impudence of Peace and Reconciliation credit photo Ginaba Lino

The Revitalized Peace Agreement can get new energy, if the government engages people at grassroots as its period is coming to an end, says Enock Tombe Retired Bishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.

He stresses that three years have gone and still a lot have to be done as it is coming to the period of election in 2023.

“So by bringing the people on board we think that this agreement will get new energy particularly three years have gone and still a lot have to be done, as we are move towards elections, elections should be two months before the end of transitional period, already from the media people are talking about 2023 elections but how are our people aware even about the agreement”, he explains.

Bishop Tombe says South Sudanese should resolve their grievances by themselves because he believes no foreigners will come and do it for them.

He adds, if all people leave the issue of revenge killing, fighting over cattle, tribalism and understand one another, South Sudan will come back to normal like before and people cooperate to build this country.

South Sudan Peace Initiative Group Secretary-General, Professor Jaafar Kherim Juma notes that they found some small issues that make cause conflict among communities.

Kherim says the first mechanism of peace building, second was national dialogue which people think failed, and the people’s mechanism for peace building is the last hope which they are presented in terms of report.

He adds the people’s mechanism of peace building should not fail because the people’s mechanism is to be implemented by a leader.

“If it fail then the people fails and the people because the people is the power, so it should not fail, because the people’s mechanism is to be implemented by a leader, and a leader does not implement what the people wants then you are not rolling by popular demands for the people, so the popular demand is here its knowledge maybe who think our people in power they are aware of those thinks, and that is this is the knowledge that they should know what the people want then they should do it”.

The speakers made their remarks during the launch of the report on impudence of peace and reconciliation in the states of South Sudan on Thursday in Juba.