Business women in Tonj call for total peace and prosperous country

Business Women Group
Business women in Tonj call for total peace and prosperous country Photo Courtesy

Some women working in Tonj main market during International Peace Day commemoration call on state and national governments to bring total peace to South Sudan to realize prosperity the country.

They say South Sudan would achieve its economical richness if conflicts are stopped countrywide, Don Bosco Radio reported.

Adut Michael, a tea seller in Tonj main market, tells the government to bring to justice people who cause atrocities among communities to find lasting peace.

The tea seller regrets giving birth to children who are criminals, demoting individual and national progress.

She urges women to be the right voices to change the mind set of their sons who are still involve in fighting.

Another business women, Teresa George, says women are the most traumatized people and expect permanent peace to end death of their sons and husbands to realize harmony in South Sudan.

Teresa clarifies that women can be represented in leadership because they have equal mentality with men in initiating a better mind set of people to peaceful coexistence.

She urges the government to implement the peace deal and disarm youth carrying arms to have peace now and in future.

The women made their remarks to Don Bosco Radio, conveying their peace messages marking International Day of Peace in Tonj.