UNMISS Bangladesh Battalion donates books to University of Bahr El Ghazal

UNMISS Bangladesh Battalion donates books to University of Bahr El Ghazal photo courtesy

Bangladesh Battalion Four of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS donated books to the College of Veterinary Science of the University of Bhar El Ghazal.

Bangladesh contingent commander Selim Azad expresses readiness to support education in the state, hoping that their little help should always bring joy to the state.

Dean of the College of Veterinary Science Dr Ambrose Samuel Jubara says this donation has really filled the gap of shortage of books at the college because since 2008 there are no new books brought to the college.

Vice Chancellor of the University of Bhar El Ghazal Victor Loku Kwajok explains that students at the university are hungary of knowledge due to shortage of books.

He points out that the given books are going to help a lot especially College of Veterinary Sciences.

Minister of Education encourage students and university staffs to always visit the library and read, because people who do not read they will not update their knowledge.

The officials made this remarks to the media at the University of Bhar El Ghazal during the handing over of books.