Unknown disease kills large number of cattle in Kapoeta County


Unknown disease causing diarrhea symptom continues to kill a large number of livestock from a variety of kraals within Kapoeta County in Eastern Equatoria State.

Speaking to Radio Emmanuel in a mobile telephone call, Taban Lokoyi Lokicha, Kraal Chief in Kapoeta admits that it has caused fear among the local people making them not to even consume meat of infected domestic animals.

He predicts that a lot of livestock will be lost this year if the current situation continues.

“This year all animals like cows and goats will perish because of this present disease which is very bad, here in Toposa land the disease is so bad which has caused fear among people that even the meat of dead animal is not being eaten by some people, this illness causes watery stools from the goats”, Lokoyi explains.

The Chief reveals that different kinds of treatment of the condition have been done, but it is not effective as the illness persists.

He says professional doctors need to reach the area to verify the condition.

“What has been done has not stopped the situation and the treatment was done by doctors before last year in some parts, but other regions were not reached. This disease does not respond to the treatment, there is a medicine of the Toposa called {emitina} and it still persists. We now don’t know if the medication is expired or what we don’t know, doctors should be brought to come and check by themselves”, he complains.

The speaker talked to Radio Emmanuel through a telephone on Wednesday from Kapoeta in Eastern Equatoria State.