Catholic Priest calls on South Sudanese to be law abiding people


A Catholic Priest of the Missionary of Saint Paul has requested every South Sudanese to be law abiding people in the country to avoid evil.

“It is from the heart that evil things come from and this is the message that Christ makes us all understand, that it is not only external things that we do that makes us defile. When someone plan to go and carry out killing it begins from the heart and then there are other things that are been mention in the gospel reading today and even more ,we have pride, slander licentiousness wickedness adultery, murder fornication all this begins from the heart we have to be clean and holy. We have to be law abiding. It is only in this way that we will be able to avoid all evils in the world”

Fr.Mathias Ukpong says if Christians follow the law and leave holy life, they will move away from evil.

He urges believers to follow the ten commandments of God for the betterment of the nation.

“If there’s no law in the place; such a place will be at the state of war because anybody can do anything that he or she wants. And so that is why there’s need for law but we have to also know that laws are to be followed with love. We have known that there are also laws that are of God, there are also laws that are of the country of the state of the community of the village where we come from. And that is why God himself gave the Israel commandment; he gave them laws to follow”.

The Catholic priest was giving his homily to the congregation at Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parish.