Vice President urges health ministers to strengthen COVID-19 taskforces


Vice President Hussein Abdel Baggi Akol who is the chairperson of COVID-19
Taskforce urges Health Ministers to strengthen states taskforce to fight COVID-19
During the opening of the six-day health conference in Juba on Monday, he regrets
that, COVID-19 remains a challenge in the country and the government is trying its
best to see how they can support the ministry of health at national and state levels
The Vice President calls on all ministers to be responsible for guiding their teams to
care for covid-19 patients and adhere to standard measures.
He discloses that the government is working hard to see that the necessary killing of
the health workers across the country is stopped.
Undersecretary of health ministry Victoria Achut stated that they is facing challenges
at the state level specially the mismanagements of assets.
She stresses that once the new minister comes into office he or she changes some
systems which can change everything in the system
The conference under the theme: “Strengthen governance and leadership capacities
towards a more effective and efficient health system”, brought together all health
ministers and director-generals in the ten states and the three administrative areas.