Eastern Equatoria youths donate blood on International Youth Day


A group of young people in Torit of Eastern Equatoria voluntarily donated blood during the International Youth Day celebration.

Counselor in Blood Donation Group, Martha Peter, applauded them for their positive response in saving lives of people.

She said the donation came at the right time when they were running short of blood in the blood bank.

“So our youth are able to give the blood, like we are getting seven that are already giving blood, we don’t have blood in the blood bank because people are not coming to give the blood, like today we are getting seven we will be having blood in or blood bank, just we come for collection of blood today because you know our people in the hospital especially in maternity and in pediatric room people are suffering even people having accident also they are suffering because of lack of blood that is why we are decided to come to collect the blood from our youths”.

Martha adds that it is the first of its kind to have such numbers donating blood compared to previous days, calling for a willing body to voluntarily donate blood.

“It is a big number compared to the previous; this is the first time we are getting today the number for this year. My message to our people in Torit so I’m encouraging people to come for the voluntary blood donation, because these blood we are not going to take it in our houses just we going to save the life of people in the hospital that is why we are here today”, she added.

The speaker made the remarks during the international youth day on Thursday