Insecurity worsens in Lakes State as 4 people killed and others wounded


Lakes Police Spokesperson reports that the security situation in the state has worsened in the last three days as four people have been killed and four policemen wounded.

Captain Elijah Mabor Makuac Mabor says the security situation worsens following cattle raiding and inter-communal violence between Rumbek East and Yirol West Counties.

He told Good News Radio that armed civilians attacked Majok village where they raided six cows, but were later recovered.

Some youths also attacked Magyar village and raided twelve cows and went away with them.

Captain Mabor says some youth attacked Aluak Luak Payam leading to the killing of three people and wounded five civilians from both sides, including policemen.

On Wednesday night in Rumbek, some criminals attacked Makoi Village and raided twelve goats where they clashed with night patrol forces and they escaped.

The Police Spokesperson says tension between Aluak Aluak and Rumbek East County remains worst, though the state authorities intervened with forces.

Lakes state is experiencing a lot of criminal activities and communal fights.