Sentinel launches Hagiga Wahid mobile phone interactive project in Yei River


Sentinel project for genocide prevention, a Canadian NGO, launched Hagiga Wahid,
a simple Arabic phrase meaning One Truth, an interactive, mobile phone service
focused on engaging people in monitoring, verifying and countering the spread of
harmful misinformation that contributes to tensions in South Sudan.

The project is dedicated to assist communities threatened by mass atrocities
worldwide, emphasizing direct cooperation with the people in harm way and the
innovative use of technology to support this work.

Community Development Center Executive Director Sebit Martin told Radio Easter,
that they are implementing the project particularly to reduce tensions and effects of

Martin mentions that Hagiga Wahid works in rumour reporting or ground sourcing
through a toll free line 228 by texting and direct calls in various languages.

Meanwhile, East Africa Sentinel project program manager John Green stresses that
they are also focusing on issues of violence.