Corruption, conflicts and lack of technology affect work in South Sudan


Regular callers of Radio Easter said during the international Labour Day that corruption, conflicts, roaming domestic animals and lack of technology affect work in South Sudan.

A caller; Maliamugu from Hai Leben, said conflicts, roaming domestic animals on agriculture land and lack of technology are some of the numerous challenges work.

He believes that poor quality product that does not meet the demand of international market due to no technology hinder work.

Maliamugu defines work as a dimension of human existence and according to him it is an obligation to every person to work every day to live in peaceful environment and persuade life.

Another caller Khamis from Dar el Salaam said corruption spoiled work, making other people to work for eight months without salary especially in the government sector.

He said it is very good if peace could prevail in the country to give chance to agriculture.

The callers were interacting on Saturday during the International Labour Day in Yei.