IOM says repatriation of refugees and IDPs should on individual convenience


The Chief of International Organization for Migration or IOM says refugees and internally displaced people or IDPs should be allowed to choose when to return to their homes.

According to Bakhita radio, Peter Van Der explains that though the UN feels it is not yet the best time for people to return to their homes, IOM and UNHCR continues to support returnees.

He adds the position of migration agency of the UN’s is to identify needs and to offer necessary support base on humanitarian needs assessments.

Van Der says IOM and partners are always in support of those who decide to return.

The agency’s new chief pledges support to the country’s Bureau Of Statistics during rollout of the national census.

He says the backing will only be conditioned by the donor’s response to the move.

South Sudan currently registers over two million refugees in the neighboring Uganda, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia.