Diocese of Rumbek completes preparation to welcome Bishop-elect

Bishop of Rumbek Diocese Christian Carlassare (R), Bishop of Malakal Stephen Nyodho Ador, Bishop of Wau Diocese Matthew Remijo, Bishop of El- Obeid Trille Tombe.

The head of reception committee for the Bishop-elect Fr. Luka Dor says all preparations for welcoming the Bishop-elect of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek are ready.

Radio Good News quoted him saying women and youth are busy cleaning all compounds and others practicing welcoming songs, poems, and many other activities.

Fr. Dor says everything about the reception of the Bishop-elect is in place, and that all cars of the diocese are washed and ready to be fuelled on Wednesday.

One of the faithful from the reception committee Nancy Amiok says they are ready for the reception of Bishop-elect Christian Carlassare on Thursday.

Holy Family Parish Faithful John Dok Domkoc and Peter Awan Aluong both expressed their readiness to receive the Bishop-elect. 

They said all the preparations for the welcoming of the Bishop are all completed.