“Four children born on Easter day,” says Head of Antenatal Care


As the world was celebrating Easter on Sunday, four newly born infants were received at Magwi Hospital in Eastern Equatoria State.

Speaking to radio Emmanuel, the head of Antenatal Care or ANC unit Josephine Lamo says this year four children were born on Easter day which is unique from the previous years.

She adds women now continue to attend their antenatal visits and listen to the advices from health practitioners.

This Easter day we received three infants and one referral from Panyikwara and delivered on the same day in the facility which means they are four and all are alive. There is some difference as compared to the previous Easter with few numbers of infants because they were lacking knowledge on antenatal care but now, they are receiving some awareness from the facility about the importance of visiting health facilities. This is because they are encountering problems within the community but this time there is change”.

The health practitioner is encouraging pregnant mothers to visit health facilities for ANC services to avoid complication during delivery.

“I encourage pregnant mothers to visit antenatal care from day one until delivery time then after giving birth at the facility, we keep them for 24hours so that to see if there is complication that may arise, then we may be able to help. But you find this is challenging. People just go home quickly before discharge and from there you find they will start mishandling the infant and sometimes the child can suck water and they turn the issue that it is the fault from the health personnel. We witnessed this case several times whereby the child is delivered well and you advise the parent to keep around for that 24 hours and wait for vaccination but you will after the health personnel left to the office, they will just pack and go home. It is not a good habit that is why we are encouraging the community to know that hospital is important.

The head of the ANC unit warn mothers not to rush home immediately after giving birth.

Josephine Lamo made the statement to Radio Emmanuel on a telephone interview.