Bishop Taban encourages rebuilding ‘new peaceful’ South Sudan

Emeritus Bishop of Torit Paride Taban Abraham Kenyi appealed to citizens to ‘rebuild a new peaceful’ country and develop it after violent conflict for many years.
‘Let us rebuild a new peaceful country and develop South Sudan like any other peaceful country in Europe, America, Asia and Africa’, he said in a statement marking Martyrs Day commemoration on Thursday, July 30.
He added that ‘we should overcome mistrust and promote a peaceful coexistence and make South Sudan a developed, peaceful Kingdom of God on earth’.
In his message entitled ‘The blood of Our Martyrs is the Seed of Peace: Let us Awake, Repent and Focus’, Bishop Taban asked South Sudanese citizens to learn from the experiences of King Solomon.
‘We can learn from King Solomon’s costly mistakes. The king of Israel desperately pursued several unrelated goals in a vain attempt to satisfy himself. Here, the Book of Ecclesiastes provides a good example of a leader who didn’t know how to get what he wanted’, he noted.
The Catholic prelate said ‘King Solomon lacked focus; he searched high and low, experimenting with all kinds of goals, yet never achieved satisfaction. Sadly, he attempted to solve an inward problem with an outward solution.’
He advised that there is need to ‘determine our focus, based on what really matters or what really counts.’
Emeritus Bishop Taban concluded that ‘it is necessary to ‘work on yourself, to work on your priorities and fight for the important ones, to work in your strength and to work with your colleagues for you can’t do it alone’.