Army General storms high court and detains two officials

A senior army officer in the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces or SSPDF stormed the high court in Juba and detained two court officials on Monday.
One of the detained officials Abass Delfino who works in the court as a Land registrar explained that three soldiers and a Brigadier General only identified as Gum entered his office forcibly.
He said the general threatened to shoot one of his colleagues.
The land registrar stressed that two of them were escorted with guns pointed on their heads to the general’s car and were detained for over an hour.
Delfino narrated that some lawyers rescued them from the general’s car.
Delfino said the general wanted a piece of land to be registered in his name yet the plot does not belong to him.
The military officer was reportedly arrested by the National Security Service after the incident and now awaits trial.