Raise children in discipline and instruction of Jesus, priest advises parents

Take key principle to teach and lead children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, Fr. John Vonjo of Wau Catholic Diocese advised parents in Raja on Sunday.
He said ‘as Christians we should take the words of God as our lives’ guideline and transformed it into lives of our children to allow them know more about God and Christians lives’.
He added, the Bible was written to teach us how to relate properly to God and to one another.
Fr. John appealed to all parents to relate to their children as God relates to us as His children.
He said ‘we need to keep our objective in front of us, to see our kids grow up to love God with all their hearts, and to love others as they live daily by submitting their thoughts, words and deeds to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
If you are a Christian today, you can have boldness and confidence as you approach God with your prayers and your worship, because you are no longer far way from God, Fr Vonjo stressed.
The priest noted that Christian parents need to understand that making a decision to invite Jesus into their hearts and homes may or may not constitute genuine conversion to Christ.
The priest was preaching on Sunday at Sacred Heart Parish during the fast of Body and Blood of Christ in Raja town.