Raja citizens recommend CRN to establish community radio station

Communities in Raja County have recommended CRN and its partners to establish community radio station to allow access to reliable and accurate information especially on Covid-19.
The recommendation came during an evaluation meeting held at youth cultural center on Wednesday after CRN concluded two month awareness and reports on corona-virus activities in the county.
The meeting attended by 40 members was to discuss and evaluate the project on how they should have access to information after CRN teams withdraw from the area.
Some of the members recommended that community radio station would help them access the information on what is going on in the country and the world.
They also demand the national ministry of health to provide covid-19 testing machine because it is very important for one to know his or her status especially those who came from the Sudan.
The members appreciated the project, describing it as successful because it has given full awareness on covid-19 through different local languages.
They wish the awareness should continue since covid-19 cases are still increasing in South Sudan.
CRN started the awareness program on the dangers of corona-virus and the preventive measures since April-14 and ended on June-10-2020 with support from CAFOD and Trocaire in partnership.