Business Council calls for facilitation of cargo free movement in East Africa

The East African Business Council or EABC urged the Ministers of Transport and Health to convene and find a win-win lasting solution to the barriers hindering the free movement of cargo across EAC borders.
There is a slowdown in movement of cargo across all EAC borders, disrupting regional value chains due to the emerging challenges restricting the movement of truck drivers in a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The Council urged the concerned ministries to embrace dialogue towards a regional coordinated approach on COVID-19.
EABC is ready to offer support public-private dialogue on cross border trade in order to unblock the current trade barriers for economic recovery in the EAC region.
The call came after fourteen-day standstill on the movement of goods in the borders risks business continuity and affects intra-EAC trade.
There are over 1000 trucks stranded at both sides of the border, affecting the intra-EAC trade and movement of essential and perishable goods across borders.