Voice for Change urges South Sudanese women leaders to have inclusive ministries

Secretary General of Voice for Change is appealing to women who are holding ministerial positions in South Sudan to consider inclussivity by recruiting different tribes of South Sudan.
Lona James Elia says it has been a bad culture in the country that a ministry is led by one tribe from the top to lower level.
She encourages women leaders to change the image of the government and get different opinion from different people.
‘This has been a bad practice, where one Ministry is led by one tribe, starting from the Minister to the cleaner and I just want to urge the women to have a ministry that is inclusive, a ministry that represents all people of South Sudan, tribes and different states including men and people with disabilities. This will be one of the things that they will inject in order to begin to change the image of the government so that the ministries are different. In doing so also, you are able to inter-react and create a new culture, where you hear different opinion from different representatives of the sixty four tribes’, Lona adds.
She also advises the women leaders to recruit people based on merits.
‘The women should also introduce meritology, where peple are brought not because they are friends or relatives, but they are brought because they have the necessary requirement to the position and go through a transparent process of recruitment. In doing so, then there will be no issue of this limited deliverance or poor deliverance because if you bring wrong people in a wrong place, then the outcome will always be negative. If you bring people who do not know what is expected of them, they cannot be able to deliver timely’, Lona explains.
Secretary General of Voice for Change was speaking to CRN in an interview.