Christians do not recognize God’s gifts due to lack of faith, says priest

Many times Christians do not recognize the gifts of God due to lack of faith, Fr Emmanuel Lodongo Sebit, Secretary-General of the Catholic Diocese of Yei told believers at Christ the King Cathedral on Sunday. 
He preached that Christians have faith when they are well off, but lost faith when they are tested by the devil, Radio Easter reported.
Fr Lodongo explains that when the worshipers do not listen to themselves they do not also listen to God.
People who know faith and God very well, turn disobedient and angry and do not follow the law of God when they are tempted by the devil, the priest pointed out
He gave an example of the Israelites who were suffering with sicknesses and hunger, denied the fact that God was doing well for them after they were saved from slavery in Egypt.
The priest explained that when Christians have everything they need, they tend to forget God and do their own things which do not please the creator.
He encouraged the faithful to know God in all times and ask for His grace because He is coming to tell Himself to both those who like him and those who don’t like.
The Secretary-General of the Catholic Diocese of Yei Fr Emmanuel Lodongo was preaching at Christ the King Cathedral on Sunday.