Project Manager calls for cooperation and team work

Project Manager of Torit Catholic Diocese Fr. Martin Vuni is calling for cooperation and team work amongst leaders in the Diocese.
He says departments and parish leaders should work together as a team to enable the diocese achieve its goal.
The diocesan project office on Monday conducted a half day workshop to the departmental leaders to acquaint them on functions and roles of the project department office.
In an awareness workshop conducted on Monday to enable participants collaborate, coordinate and work together with the project department office, Fr. Vuni says, the diocese will only achieve its goals when members work together.
Heads of pastoral and social departments of the Catholic diocese of Torit are expected to work together with the Project department office in developing proposals for funding.
According to Fr. Vuni, the procedure of diocesan departments working with project office is to enhance trust as well as responding to the demands of the beneficiaries of the Catholic diocese of Torit.
The newly created project office will help coordinate all donor funded activities, lobby for funding of activities of the diocese and follow up reports to the funding donors.
Fr. Vuni adds that, the project department is looking towards improving quality of services to the people and achieving better relationship with partners amongst other objectives.
Fr. encourages participants to continue with the hard work in delivering services to the people as they focus on the needs of the diocese.
Participants of the workshop include heads of social and pastoral departments in Torit office. A similar awareness workshop will be conducted to pastoral and social department heads outside Torit in a near future.