God tells Christians to have faith and love, says priest

God is telling the faithful to have faith and love among themselves, Catholic Diocesan Youth Chaplain of Yei Fr Marcello Jungu told Christians on Sunday at Christ the King Cathedral.
He explains that Christians have to surrender themselves to Christ and will one day meet Him, Radio Easter reported.
Fr Jungu preached that God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to the world to do many things for Christians to ensure that they are leaders before He goes back to His father.
God took his son Jesus Christ as an example to lead and direct others and give leadership skills, Jungu further explained.
He said for one to become a Christian there are a lot of sacraments and blessings to be received in order to be a leader who is ready to face challenges in the Church.
The catholic priest quoted Jesus going with his disciples to the mountain to pray to have the presence of his father to direct him to continue to fulfil His mission of salvation.
He stressed that Moses as one of the prophets helped the Israelites by going to mountain Sinai to bring the new laws to direct the people of Israel
The Youth chaplain said Moses and Elijah were directing the Israelites and Jesus came to continue directing the Christians who are consecrated with the sacraments.
The priest was giving homily on Sunday at Christ the King Cathedral in Yei.