UNICEF supports release of 15 child soldiers in South Sudan

UNICEF, UN Mission in South Sudan and the National Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission on 26 February 2020, facilitated the released of fifteen children associated with armed forces and groups in South Sudan.
The boys ranging from 16 to 18 years of age were taken as prisoners of war during clashes in the northern parts of the country in 2019. 
The release happened just over two weeks after an Action Plan to end and prevent all grave violations against children was signed by the Government of South Sudan. 
The plan is the first of its kind and the most comprehensive plan signed by parties since the creation of the Children and Armed Conflict mandate.
UNICEF’s Representative in South Sudan Dr Mohamed Ag Ayoya said ‘with the establishment of a new unity government in South Sudan and prolonged peace, they have an opportunity to ensure there are no children left in the barracks’.
He added that ‘the release shows commitment to the signed action plan and urged commanders across the country to release all children as soon as possible’.
The children released will be taken to an interim care centre where they will receive psychosocial support and their most immediate needs will be addressed. 
While their families are being traced, an assessment of the children’s long – term needs and individual plans for reintegration back to their communities are made.
The children will be reunified with their immediate families as soon as UNICEF and partners are able to locate them.