We respond to Pope’s prophetic gesture on South Sudan, says Secretary-General

South Sudanese holdout groups and those signatories to the agreement are responding what Pope Francis did to South Sudan leaders, said Paulo Impagliazzo Secretary-General of Saint Egidio Community.
‘Pope Francis did a prophetic gesture kneeling and kissing the feet of the leaders of South Sudan, seeking the peace in the country, South Sudan’, he stressed.
The spirit of the dialogue that implemented is a sign, taste of the peace in South Sudan,.
Impagliazzo spoke when the government delegation and non-signatories to the revitalised agreement signed primarily peace deal in Rome, Italy.
Head of Government Delegation in Rome, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin, assured their commitment to bring peace to the country.
Member of the Leadership Council of SSOMA and Chairman of National Salvation Front NAS, Thomas Cirilo Swaka, said they are still continuing after signing the Rome declaration on monitoring and verification of Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of 2017.
He said they will create a dialogue in the agreement to pave a way for peace in the country.
There is need for signatories and non-signatories to the revitalised accord to continue dialoguing and contribute to realize lasting peace in the country, Dr Ismail Wais head of Intergovernmental Authority on Development IGAD, , stressed.
The Non-Signatories to the RARCSS are in ongoing consultations with the signatories to the RARCSS on violations and the root causes of the conflicts that occurred since 2013.
The officials spoke on Friday in Rome, Italy.