Tutors demand promotion of senior staff

Torit State Tutors are calling on the government to promote some of them who have been working in the same position for years.
The concerns came during the closing session of stage one term two for primary school teachers training.
Speaking during the closing, Ochan Charles Ambrose Tutors representative says most teachers have been serving for many years without promotion.
He also cites delay and low teacher’s incentives which he says make life difficult in most families, requesting the government to promote and increase teachers’ fares.
‘The teacher you see here are the foundations. Without teachers there is no nation which can develop. I have some issue which I need to address more especially tutor of incentive. The incentive given more especially for tutors is not adequate we were thinking that as a state next time in case of any NGO which is coming to the state led there be program, a standard program which they will follow so that at least we are not handled in the other way round. We feel a little bit abandoned by the state ministry of education because we are hearing of promotion but most especially like us the tutors none of us have been promoted even some of us have been serving for ten years in grade nine’.
Responding to the demands, the First Acting Director General in the state ministry of Education, Odomtula Hillary Ukumu says the government has tasked county authorities to enrol teachers in government pay roll.
He blames teachers for not turning up for the enrolment in the state ministry.
‘Those are the voluntary teachers who are teaching without money. I am asking them to come and enrol. You see you want to teach without money and there is money the money is within your municipality, the money is in your Payam, the money is in your executive director in the nominal roll. Torit County or Torit municipality should enrol or employ fifty teachers. Do you want to teach without money and here you want to challenge the ministry? Is the ministry paying you? The ministry is calling you for enrolment and you don’t want to come’.
Meanwhile Torit State Minister of Education, Hassen Urbano Alex says the government is working hard to promote teachers.
He calls on teachers and tutors to communicate and present their concerns personally to the ministry for solution.
‘We start promoting teachers. We have finished from the head quarter. Remain you who just came and now also we finish from county education director and their deputy so that at least to encourage you to go ahead but the truth is, here we are in the ministry head quarter a lot of job and a lot of problems. If you don’t come and tell us that I am not been promoted for five years we will not know. We need coordination to be very strong’.
The speakers made the remarks during the closing of Torit Teachers Training.