Torit state launches new South Sudan textbooks

Torit State Ministry of Education launches South Sudan new textbooks for both primary and secondary schools at Airport View School.
Speaking to Radio Emmanuel, Minister Hassan Urbano Alex says the curriculum aims at creating quality education in the country to raise good citizens.
He calls on teachers to follow the new curriculum and commit to their profession.
‘The aims and objectives of this curriculum is to raise good citizens, produce successful lifelong learners and creative individuals to become a resourceful member of the society’.
Torit County Commissioner Fermo Oleyo says the new introduced books are part of the government’s policy towards improving education system in South Sudan.
He adds that the launch will reduce over dependency on Ugandan and Kenyan’s syllabus.
‘Today we are launching new books and this curriculum did not come for nothing. I am saying thank you a lot for working day and night in order to bring these books. We have senior four sitting for the Uganda certificate of examination. If it is time for examination, they take children from Isoke, Ikwoto to sit for exams in Uganda not only that even before the referendum we were using Sudan syllabus’.
Meanwhile UNICEF representative David Ayuen says South Sudan needs books to reach every child even those learning from private schools.
He calls on learners and school administration to use and properly manage the new books to help improve learning in the state.
‘So the books are here. These books are for the new curriculum. So it is a very important day. The other thing I would like to say is that we would want these books to reach to every child. They are for all the schools and children in South Sudan. Even the private schools are to benefit from these books. They are not only for the government or community schools, but for every child that is in school in South Sudan. Textbooks are very important in terms of bringing quality education. Without textbooks, the education will not be in order. It’s a step towards quality education so let’s make sure that the books are properly received, used and properly stored. The books are not for sell, Ayuen stresses’.
The speakers made the remarks during the launch of South Sudan textbooks at Airport View Primary and Secondary School compound.