South Sudan Health Ministry unveils corona virus device at Juba airport

The Ministry of Health in collaboration with partners launches a corona virus machine to screen travellers at the airport to determine the disease.
Minister Dr Riek Gai Kok says there is no outbreak in South Sudan, but people are advised to restrict movements to areas confirmed of the disease.
He appeals to South Sudanese and people from China or other affected countries to reduce travelling until the disease is contained and advises the public to stop unnecessary greetings to stop the spread .
‘I’m appealing to the people to reduce travelling to China Sometimes you don’t respect the feeling of others when you are sneezing. You just do it [sneezing] anyhow. Even you are in a very close proximity to your friends or family members. Can we try to help ourselves to at least reducing these greetings? You go out, you greet, coming out, you greet’, Dr Gai emphasizes.
WHO South Sudan Health Emergencies Program, Wamala Joseph says Corona virus is an emerging disease from China affecting the respiratory system and it is caused by a novel disease that affects animals and human begins.
The disease has similar symptoms of normal colds, fever, cough and shortness of breathing.
Joseph warns that there is no vaccine or cure against the disease and that people should call the hotline 6666 in case of any symptoms for quick intervention.
He also asks people to avoid moving to affected countries and cover their mouths when they are sneezing or coughing to stop the spread of the virus.
‘We need to observe the general hygiene measures involving regular hand washing with soap and water. When you have a cough, you cover your mouth and nose with either flex elbow, or use tissue and promptly deposit it into rubbish pit and when you are coughing, you can also choose to use a mask. If you are near someone who is coughing, having fever, you should keep a distance from them and if you visit any place where there are animals, you should try as much as possible to avoid direct contact with animals’, Joseph adds.
Chinese Ambassador to South Sudan, Hua Ning, describes the launch as a very important preparedness way to prevent the spread of the disease to South Sudan.
‘Today we are very happy to join together at the Juba International Airport to see that a new screening machine is installed. It is another importance that to make preparation for any infectious diseases’, says the Chinese Ambassador.
Countries affected by corona virus include Chine, UK, Russia and Italy.
Corona viruses most commonly spread from an infected person to others through the air by coughing and sneezing, close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands, touching an object or surface with the virus on it and touching mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands.
W H O is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and individuals on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak.