South Sudan most corrupt and Rwanda least in East Africa, report says

Transparency International latest Corruption Perception Index 2019 report ranked South Sudan the most corrupt country in East Africa followed by Burundi. Kenya and Uganda tie in third position.
The report released last week, rated Rwanda the least corrupt country in the region and the only state to score 43 out of 100 points.
Tanzania was ranked the second least corrupt country in East Africa, Kenya and Uganda scored 28 points, Burundi 19 and South Sudan only 12 points.
The report measured the perceived levels of corruption in the public sector, drawing on 13 expert assessments and surveys of business executives.
In sub-Saharan Africa, Seychelles and Botswana are leading with 66 and 61 points respectively. 
Ethiopia scored 37, Zambia 34, Nigeria 26, Zimbabwe 24 and the Democratic Republic of Congo 18 points.
According to the report, countries that perform well have strong enforcement of campaign finance regulations and a broader range of political consultation. 
Human rights experts say with East African countries holding general elections in the next few years, corruption cases could increase significantly. 
Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya are expected to go to the polls in 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively.
‘With the issue of political funding not being addressed, we shall see cases of corruption increase as politicians’ source money to fund their campaigns,’ said Law Society of Kenya representative Mathew Nyabena.
He added that with some public servants aligning with certain political parties, the move will develop political immunity among government officers hence abetting corruption cases.
‘We need to strengthen our prosecution and the way we collect evidence to see corrupt leaders being convicted,’ Nyabena added.