Bishop declares mass exchange between Sts Peter and Paul and Holy Rosary

Torit Catholic Bishop has directed the Choirs at Our Lady of Holly Rosary and Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral to make exchange of mass among themselves.
The declaration came on Sunday when youth of Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Youth raised a concern that they have never exchanged mass singing with the nearby Parish of Our Lady of Holy Rosary, radio Emmanuel reported.
One of the youth, Amos Libel, said the young people of Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral lack proper relationship with their counterparts at Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parish.
He urged Bishop Ameyu to cement strong relationships between the two town parishes to allow choir exchange masses.
Responding to the request, Bishop Ameyu advised that the youth of Sts Peter and Paul and Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parishes can now exchange masses freely.
He told parish priests in the diocese to desist from possessing the young people as their own, but give them freedom.
Bishop Ameyu promised to talk to the Parish Priest of Sts Peter and Paul Reverends Kamilo Afore and Anthony Odomelam of Our Lady of Holy Rosary over the demand of the youth.
He disclosed plans of building Bishop’s house at the Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul.
Meanwhile Sts Peter and Paul Youth President, Counsel Jada Andrew urged the Bishop to disclose if there are plans of rebuilding the Cathedral as youth have already laid 20,000 bricks.
The catholic prelate commended the youth for their efforts.
On Saturday, hundreds of parishioners turned up at the reception point away from the Church, to receive Torit Catholic Bishop Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla to Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral on his Pastoral visit.
During his visit, Bishop Ameyu paid homage to late Bishop Johnson Akio Mutek, visited St Theresa’s Primary School, the cemetery, St Mary’s Minor Seminary and Bishop Akio Memorial Secondary School among others.
On Sunday, the Bishop celebrated mass at the Cathedral before leaving for Katire on Monday morning where he was joined by a group of youth, Legion of Mary, Altar boys and parish pastoral council members.