Bishop Ameyu plans to visit people massacred in Katire by LRA

Torit Catholic Bishop Stephen Ameyu Mulla Martin disclosed a plan to visit people massacred by Lord Resistance Army or LRA in 2002 in Loholi Boma of Katire Payam.
As part of his pastoral visit to the central denary, the bishop said he is to witness and pray in solidarity with those who lost their lives to liberate this nation.
Bishop Ameyu said hundreds of people in the area were massacred due to political differences and hatred.
‘I am going to Katire as part of this parish of Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral will be going on Monday in order to visit Katire. There is a center of Christians there and I will pray there. During this visit also, I will visit the site where LRA massacred many people. I would like to give my witness and to see that what happened should not repeat itself where people were massacred innocently living in their own village’, he disclosed.
‘They were massacred because of political and hatred that was perpetrated by the LRA who were surrogate to a kind of proxy war where they were killing our people on behalf of the Khartoum regime that time’, the bishop noted.
The Catholic prelate urged the people of Katire to remain strong in faith and continue praying that the good Lord may rest their souls in peace.
He prays to the lord to console the heart of those who lost their dear ones during the time of struggle.
‘We ask God to be with those who were slaughtered and murdered innocently that time that. The Lord may receive their souls in heaven for those who still remain to see and witness the brutality of humanity against humans, may they console that the Lord is the one who consoles and gives life to everyone of us and we ask the community especially the community of Katire that may they be always in solidarity with those who have lost their dear ones in that massacre and may God rest the souls of those faithful in peace who were massacred that time’, he prayed.
Bishop Ameyu calls on the entire community of Katire to live in solidarity with those that lost their loved ones.