Six children arrested for breaking into a shop in Yei

A police officer in Yei River State has on that six boys were apprehended by joint operation team breaking into a shop in the town.
Major general Yohana Taban explains  the thieves cut a hole with a pair of scissors to remove items from the shop.
Six young people including a six year old boy were arrested in Yei for breaking into a shop in the market.
Major general Yohana Taban says the six year old was sent in through a hole cut by a pair of scissors to remove goods from the shop.
Maliamungu Bosco secretary general of South Sudan Business federation in Yei was happy that the thieves were caught.
He appreciates the joint operation team for ensuring that the goods were recovered.
Pascal Barijo one of the victims explains that they were given some clothes and shoes by two boys.
He adds the boys later escaped when they were in one of the night market commonly known as Suk Bilel.
The shop owner Arike James went to file complains with the police when he found his goods already recovered at the station.
John Muroga a guardian to one of the kids says his nephew refused to be in school and the family does not know where he lives.
Police officer Yohana Taban recommends that the boys should be imprisoned for either one or two months in order to change their behaviours.
The general mentions that the six years old was set free and given to his parents
General Yohana stresses that the age bracket of the thieves ranges from 16 years to the youngest the six years old.