National Security Service tries officers for breaching code of conduct

South Sudan National Security Service, internal bureau starts trial of officer who violates the security act, says Director of Legal Affairs.
After first trial in Juba, Brigadier General Jalpan Obyec Nyawello told the press that presidential order number 21, 2019 established the court.
He adds the aim of this court is to prosecute members who violate the national security act and commit crimes against the state.
Gen Obyec says the first hearing of the court is about a member who murdered his boss which is a crime against the NSS Act.
The director explains that such crimes are termed as Non-Summery and the punishment is more than five years or death.
The general encourages citizens to report any personnel who violate their rights to the national security service.
The NSS tribunal court consist of five members, four generals and a high court judge. 
The official spoke on Monday after the court was adjourned due to lack of lawyer to the accused.