Youth President calls for peaceful Christmas celebration

Celebrate Christmas peacefully in the state, Orupi David Oywek, Torit Youth President urged youth while delivering his Christmas message.
He told Radio Emmanuel on Monday that Christmas is a peaceful day and there should be no need of causing problems during the celebration.
‘I actually appeal to the entire population of the youth in Torit State here, that day is really dedicated as a peaceful day in which I expect every youth in Torit State to remain calm and celebrate the day peacefully without causing any chaos in Torit State here’, he pleaded.
Orupi warned youth against evil practices like raiding animals and road robbery which according to him should stop before 2020.
‘Please these issues of cattle raiding, issues of robbery along the road by 2020 I think this is a very prosperous and a peaceful year, so these issues must be put very far away, so this is the message I want to pass to you my youth in Torit State here. Please we who are in the leadership of the Youth Union here we really appeal to all of youth please listen to the advice we are giving you or the both the politicians, both the elders both the community leaders all of us our objective is to create peace our objective is to make our people to be united peaceful to love one another’, he elaborated.
The youth president was delivering his message through Radio Emmanuel on Monday in Torit.