State Parliament forms Committee to oversee dispute on plots in Torit markets

Torit State parliament in their extra ordinary sitting on Tuesday formed a committee comprising five members to oversee dispute in Omoliha and Iluhum market land allocations in the town.
According to Radio Emmanuel the committee will be headed by the chairperson of standing specialized committee for physical infrastructure Aventore Kenyi Bilal. 
The Acting speaker Angela AJana Pio says the committees are mandated to monitor and assess the number and price of plots in Iluhum and Omoliha markets.
‘How many plots are there both in omuliha and ilugum market, the committee should find out the cost of each plot in those markets. The committee have to find out the missing sixty two plots from omuliha market amd they have to get the real matrix of the marke. The committee have to verify receipt of both Omoliha market and iluhum market,’ she adds.
Angella adds the committee are expected to present their findings in January to the August house for deliberation.
‘Am sure this week will be busy people are cleaning their houses especially women so this will take us up to January or maybe the third week of January so the committee has to go and hear from chairperson of physical infrastructure then the people will decide from there’, the speaker explains. 
On Monday the state legislative assembly summoned minister of physical infrastructure Langoya Tito Lazarous to answer questions regarding land disputes, assets auctioning and poor road condition.
The speaker made the remarks at the state assembly in Torit on Tuesday.