Makuei uncertain of Kiir, Machar’s Saturday’s talks

Government Spokesperson says the key Principles President Kiir, Dr Riek and the Sudanese Vice President were supposed to discuss on Saturday, but it is not clear to him whether they met or not.
Speaking to CRN on telephone interview, Michael Makuei Lueth says they had a general briefing on the security arrangements on Friday, to evaluate whether the remaining 100 days will be enough to form the unity government.
‘The Principles plus the Vice President of Sudan are supposed to talk today. I don’t know, is not clear to me whether they sat and discuss anything or not. But yesterday was briefing to the security report so that they can evaluate whether the 100 days which are now finishing will be enough to complete the process’, says Makuei.
He adds that the talks will be continuing next week. ‘I think Dr Riek is not leaving today. Not even soon. They will continue to talk’, Mr Makuei adds.
Dr Riek has been in Juba to meet the President over the outstanding issues, including security mechanisms and number of states and boundaries.
The SPLM in Opposition warns that it will not be part of the unity government in February 22, if the number of states and boundaries are not sorted out.