Listeners condemn abortion among teenagers in Tonj

The listeners of Don Bosco Radio condemn abortion among ladies, describing it as killing of innocent life.
One of the listeners Yout Korou Yout, says abortion is very common among young girls in the area.
He blames the government, doctors and girls for allowing such practices to happen in the state.
‘If government plus doctors who use to give them medicines were not weak, those girls who practice abortion should have been put in prisons for 20 years to know that what they are doing is bad’, Korou adds.
Another listener Action Mabeny from Western Lakes State says abortion is a sin and also a crime.
He adds that babies that are aborted might become future leaders in the country.
Korou calls on young girls to stop abortion because it has a lot of disadvantages which some times results to the death of either the mother, baby or both.
Mama Madeline Mayen caller from Hai-Zandia says God will punish those who are practicing abortion.
The listeners call on both the government and parents to make awareness on the disadvantages of abortion.