Mother throws new born child into pit latrine, police confirms

Police Spokesperson in Rumbek, Western Lakes State Captain Elijah Mabor on Wednesday revealed that they have helped an infant that was thrown into a pit latrine by its mother in Makoi residential area.
He said a twenty-year-old woman gave birth to a baby boy, but decided to throw the infant into pit latrine the same night, Good News Radio reports.
According to Captain Mabor, the police investigation revealed that the mother was not happy with the baby.
Isaac Mading, a health worker in Maternity Ward of Rumbek Hospital, said they received a child in bad condition, but was given necessary medical attention until is now well.
He said the infant will be discharged from the hospital after six months of recovery.
The health worker advises women to be humble and stop killing their own children.
The officials spoke to Good News Radio on Wednesday in Rumbek.