EAC Heath ministerial and partners’ discussions start next Thursday

The East African Community or EAC Heath Ministers, Development Partners’ and Investors’ Roundtable discussions are scheduled to take place from October 31 to November 1 in Nairobi, Kenya.
EAC Secretariat in a statement says preparation the two-day roundtable under the theme: ‘Enhancing health sector investments, wellbeing and wealth creation in the East African Community”, started on October 28 in a high gear.
The discussions are expected to consolidate efforts and resources of partner states, development partners and investors to define priorities and investment cases.
The event will share experiences, management challenges and visions of future financing trends and issues in order to instruct, improve, enlighten and secure sustainable resources for health and HIV in the EAC region
It is anticipated to assemble financial and technical resources for implementation of the nine EAC Regional Health Sector Investment Priorities.
EAC Productive and Social Sector Deputy Secretary-General, Christophe Bazivamo, said there would be key representation from governments, development partners, CSOs, private sector and investors.
He noted that the aim is to look into experiences of different players in fundraising and effective domestic resource mobilization mechanisms for health and HIV.
Bazivamo explains that the roundtable will discuss human resources for health, financing, infrastructure, and measurement.
It will also tackle essential primary and specialized health services, regulation of medicines and other health technologies and health research and development.
The roundtable discussions will draw a roadmap on the implementation arrangements of the nine health sector investment priorities and resource mobilization.
The event will bring together EAC Ministers of Health, EAC Affairs ministers, undersecretaries, heads of the HIV commissions and other senior officials from relevant ministries.
African Development Bank, World Bank, diplomatic missions, private business and innovators, UN agencies, civil society organizations and faith-based organizations, , research, cultural and academic institutions will participate in the discussions.