SPLM/A-North leader calls on WFP to consider Nuba citizens

The Chairman of SPLM/A-North calls on Executive Director of World Food Program or WFP David Beasley to put Nuba people in his consideration.
Abdel Aziz Adam Al-Hillu says SPLM-N has entered peace negotiations with the government of Sudan with open mind and determined to bring peace in the country, Voice of Peace Radio reports.
The chairman says opposition groups and the government have great opportunity to address the root causes of the conflict in Sudan affected the country for the last 63 years.
Aziz told the crowd that the visit of WFP executive director to Nuba Mountains indicates understanding from the transitional government.  
The SPLA/M chairman was delivering his message in the presence of thousands of citizens in Kauda airport upon arrival with WFP executive director Beasley and his delegation on Wednesday.