Necessary Unified Forces, the perquisite of the formation of the R-TGoNU, say the Oppositions leaders

The Opposition leaders during their meeting with the United Nations Security Council delegation call for the necessary unified forces to be place before the formation of the Revitalized Government of the National Unity on November 12th this year.
The SPLM/A-IO leader Dr Riek Machar says without the national forces the formation of the government will not be ready because the time agreed on preparing the eighty-three thousand troops will be impossible in three months if extended. 
The opposition leader says from his meeting with the president of South Sudan in Addis they had compromise to have half of the troops to meet the deadline and form the government.
Dr Riek stresses that implementing the security arrangements will make the phases of the agreement easier and restoring peace in the country.
He also adds that the Independent Boundaries Commission (IBC) voted for the ten states. 
The Opposition leader Gabriel Changson Chang says the confusion is how to achieve the agreed number of unified forces on time before the November 12th but the necessary force can be the focus.
Changson proposed that the availability of resources and the timeframe will help in accomplishing the necessary forces that been compromised as thirty thousand which will be five thousand from six training centers.
The eighty-three thousand forces that was agreed on the revitalised agreement is not yet accomplished while the forces on the ground are facing the challenges of food, water, logistics and accommodation at the cantonment sites and barracks according to the Military Mechanisms Assessment trips to the sites.
The officials were speaking on Sunday during the visit of the UN Security Council delegation to Juba led by Ambassador Jerry Matthews.