Two day Ebola training for journalist concludes in Yei

Two days training on Ebola reporting for journalist in Yei River State has concluded on Wednesday.
Speaking to journalist during the closure Minister of Information Culture Youth and Sports Mawa A Moses encourages journalist to report accurate information regarding the virus.
He applauds the good work of journalist in the state citing that since his appointment he has not registered any indispline related issues by the media practitioners.
The minister stresses that Government has not closed any radio station in Yei which means there is respect of freedom of medi
Samson Taban a participant appreciates IOM for building the capacity of journalist in the state in order to accurately report about Ebola.
He believes that through the training journalist will give correct information to the communities about Eb
The participant states let the training be an eye opener to the entire journalist to strengthen communication and information sharing as it has been a gap between the media and agencies.
The speakers made the remarks on Wednesday at ECCS guest house in Yei