SPLM-North for talks with firm will and commitment to end long war in Sudan

The leader of SPLM-North Abdul Aziz Adam Al Hilu said they are in Juba for talks ‘with a firm will and determination to achieve a new Sudan of freedom, justice and equality’.
He said the success of the negotiations to bring an end to the war in Sudan depends on addressing the root causes of the problem, Voice of Peace Radio reported.
The stamen cites that the racial and religious issues in Sudan resulted in 63 years of civil wars, where the state killed over three million citizens in South Sudan, Nuba Mountain, Blue Nile, Beja of the East, far north Nubia and Darfur.
The chairman remarks that the two points of identity and theocracy are at the top of the contentious issues that divide the Sudanese people. 
He said his movement is in Juba under the auspices and mediation of President Salva Kiir Mayardiit to look for the best ways to end the war that has been raging in Sudan for the last 63 years since independence. 
SPLM_North leader spoke during the opening remarks of peace talks in Juba on Monday at the presences of mediator Salva Kiir Mayardit president of of South Sudan.
The gathering attracted some African of heads of the states, diplomats, and the delegation of the government of the Sudan.