Small arms and light weapons training concludes in Yei

A two day workshop for dissemination of National Policy on the control of small arms and light weapons Act 2016 has concluded on Friday in Yei.
Speaking during the closure Deputy Governor Yusto Baba Dema says the citizens of Yei River are peaceful and always follow the law, Radio Easter reports.
Yusto explains that participants should act as ambassadors to disseminate the act to the rest of the citizens.
He adds that during the crisis people thought owning guns was the only chance of survival.
The deputy governor stresses that some people do not know proper use of these firearms which may later results to death.
State minister of local Government and law enforcement Evans Kijore urges the organized forces to ensure peace and security among civilians.
Evan recommends that the national ministry of interior and Bureau for community security and small arms control continue extending the training to other counties of Yei River State.
The two day workshop was organized by the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control and the Ministry of Interior