CRS announces 2019 Hispanic Heritage Partner award winners

Catholic Relief Services or CRS has announced choosing six recipients of its 2019 Hispanic Heritage Partner Award in recognition of the dedication and commitment of members of the US Hispanic ministry community.
The Hispanic Heritage Partner Award, which is given each year during Hispanic Heritage Month, recognizes the partnership of Hispanic Ministry leaders for their work in promoting global solidarity with the Latinx community across the U.S. 
CRS recognizes and values the partnership of these leaders in their dioceses, lay apostolic movements, and Hispanic associations.
The winners include Father Rafael Cap√≥, director of the southeast US Bishop’s Office for Hispanic Ministry for Regions V and XIV and Lia Salinas the director of Hispanic ministries for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Other winners are: Gabriela Karaszewski, director of the Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministry for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston; Mirna Ochoa, coordinator of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Bishop Gerald R Barnes of the Diocese of San Bernardino and Carmen Ramos and CRS Liason for Asociación Jóvenes Para Cristo or Young Adults for Christ are in the list of the six winners.
The note CRN got says ‘these leaders and their communities have helped create lasting change in Latin America and around the world, said Bill O’Keefe, executive vice president for Mission and Mobilization’. 
‘Their work has spread justice, ministry and charity around our own borders. Their solidarity is an example for all in the Church’, its adds