The East African Business Council organizes Investment Summit in Arusha

The East African Business Council (EABC) in partnership with Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and the East African Community (EAC) is organizing the second edition of East African Business and Investment Summit in Arusha-Tanzania.
The event is scheduled to take place on November 28th to 29th 2019 prior to the EAC Heads of State summit.
This year’s Business Summit aims to set the economic agenda and outlook for East Africa, as the region commemorates 20 years of EAC regional integration process in November.
The summit sets the pace for the EAC region to chart out a common and shared economic vision in partnership with the private sector. 
Over 300 top CEOs, industry champions, women in business, SMEs and investors from the region and beyond will engage in high-level dialogue with the EAC Council of Ministers.
The Business Summit is organized under the theme ‘EAC@20: Private Sector Driven Regional Integration.’