East Africa launches climate change adaptation and mitigation actions

East African Community Secretariat on Thursday launched the intra-global climate alliance plus programme on supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation actions in Arusha, Tanzania.
The European Union is providing funds to the tune of 1.6 million Euros for the four-year project which commenced in July 2019 and runs up to June 2023.
The project includes supporting EAC partner states in reviewing and updating their nationally determined contributions for the effective implementation.
It will also help in developing community based climate change initiatives that will have tangible impacts on local communities.
John B. Kizito, on behalf of the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs, thanked the EU for its support in enhancing the capacity of the EAC region on climate change.
He cited climate change challenges in the region and stressed the need to take concerted measures in strengthening resilience while adopting low carbon and sustainable development pathways.
EAC Deputy Secretary-General for Productive and Social Sectors, Christophe Bazivamo reiterated their commitment to mitigate impacts of climate change.
He added that the Community had developed climate change master plan 2011-2031, which is due for review.
Massimo Bonannini, EU Delegation Office Programme Manager in Dar es Salaam, said financial resources allocated to climate change actions were not enough.
He said the EU would give more emphasis to climate change and they expect to link 25 percent of the budget to climate change actions in 2021-2027 period.
Bonannini disclosed that the EU considers technical and political dialogues at national and regional levels as crucial to pursue relevant adaptation and mitigation strategies.